Friday, January 29, 2010

Crazy Food and Kyoto

Okay! Today!
I woke up before my alarm by sunlight again, pleasant but I was tired since I went to bed at 1am. I went to campus to find out I got into my 2 necessary classes. I didn't get the sumie but my Insurance was good, so I was happy. I hung out for a while on campus and was soo hungry, I tried getting a snack. Well, let me just say... I do not like any mayonnaise from any country! So that onigiri was given to a friend to finish since I couldn't allow myself to throw it away... then by the time, noon rolled around I was famished and got something new... bad idea. I didn't really like it all that much and it definitely didn't fill me up. It also cost way more than my daily curry. I was regretting not getting it, I know. Poetic justice... Oh, I got my student ID card today too.

Well, after roaming around campus for 2 hours and finding the fishless, fish pond- we met in front of the CIE building for our Kyoto trip. We were supposed to be in a group of 3 or 4 but we had 8... so we got 4 Japanese students as our guides and they were all nice but only 2 of them really tried to talk to us. I had fun playing with my phone all day and taking tons of pictures as we walked 40 mins to a train station and then rode that to Kyoto. Once we got there we walked up a huge hill to this gigantic temple that's famous for people jumping off the side and if they survive, their wish is granted. I forget its name. There were lots of cute things around a Love Stone and a fountain granting studies, love, or health. Lots of photo ops and many were taken but again will be posted later... like when I get a chance to sit down with my computer for more than 10 minutes. It was tons of fun and we went to another shinto temple and wandered until we found SWEETS PARADISE! It was wonderful for 1,400 yen all you can eat pasta and sweets... Oishii yo! If we hadn't done all that walking, I might have felt bad for the amount I ate. It was delicious though!!! Again, pictures later.
After that we got on the train and returned to our station where we ran around this gaming plaza and took a purikura (sp?). Kawaii overload! We fit 12 people in one of those booths and put fun pictures on us and I got blue hair!!! It was fun but a little overwhelming, although I definitely want to do it again with anyone who comes to visit me! We split the pictures up and I'll be putting them on my phone soon along with other cute things when I get them... but we rode the bus back from the station since it was so far away and so late for us to be walking on the street the way we had earlier. That was a fun experience and I got to meet some more people who were header our way. So I now kind of understand how this train and bus system works but not enough for me to go it alone yet...
At least, Lindsey, Cassie, and I are going to Osaka city tomorrow to meet some of their friends so I'd better get a good nights rest! Night!

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