Monday, January 18, 2010

A Moment to Blog

Well, I guess I'm committed. I've got the flight, the paperwork, the packing started, and the official blog. Not that I would turn back anyway but it seems so strange. Me? Leaving the country? Going to Japan? For 4 months?
That doesn't feel like me at all... I can barely be away from home for a month in a semester without missing everyone terribly. I am getting excited as well, don't get me wrong. I'm just getting a little sick to my stomach or else that's the Marion's I gorged myself on or perhaps the Reese's pieces I ate since I won't get those for a while either.
I just saw the majority of my family for the last time before I leave and man, I was getting emotional. I've had that happen a couple times all ready and I think it's better that I don't see everyone before I go or else I'll cry my eyes out and be blind by the time I get there.
I have so much to be thankful for and so much to look forward to that I just need to bite my cheek and grit my way through it. I never was much of a person for blogging or journaling but since I now have one of each I better keep up. I regret not doing it in Spain and frankly that was only two weeks- imagine what I could forget from 4 months!

I apologize now, I might get rather emotional in here but I'll attempt to keep that only in the written journal and keep this one full of wonderful pictures, smiles, and exciting news! I hope you stay tuned to the blog and enjoy the show!


  1. I'm glad you started this blog! it'll be a nice way to document your visit and also tell others everything :) and i know you're anxious but it's going to be SO exciting to be there! kk i'll continue to stalk this blog. toodles! :D
