Friday, January 22, 2010

A side-trip to Denver

My bags are packed I'm ready to go, I'm standin' here outside your door. I hate to wake you up to say goodbye. But the dawn is breaking it's early morn, the taxi's waitin'--he's blowin' his horn. Already I'm so lonesome I could die.
So kiss me and smile for me, tell me that you'll wait for me. Hold me like you'll never let me go. Cause I'm leaving on a jet plane, don't know when I'll be back again. Oh babe, I hate to go.

... Okay, it's a little more extreme than my current mental state. It's more of "I'm so lonesome I could cry" and have and missed people already. I also do know when I'll be back! And! My dad's nicer than the stereotypical taxi driver-- he'll hurry you up but still wait and not be too grumpy---it's also free.

Yep, that's right. I'm at the airport been here since a little after 6 am. I've already been crying a river and now I've got the headache that accompanies little sleep and crying. You know what I mean--that sometimes dull, sometimes pounding dunk dunk on your skull up around you hairline. Deep breaths seem to help but I know if I could just sleep, then I'll feel better.
I can't believe I'm here, I almost feel like they had to force me out of the house. I was getting all sentimental. I still am but I'm just so exhausted now that I can't really feel too much anymore. Give me a little time on the 15 hour trip to Tokyo and I'll be able to feel again. I go from Dayton to Atlanta to Tokyo to Osaka-Itami. It'll be a long ride. I'm sure that I'll be fine and sleep. I haven't gone to bed before 3 for the last week-longer now but last night I managed some time before 2 probably since I had to be up at 5 at the latest. Everything appears to be going well so far. *crosses fingers* Thanks everyone for all the lovely sendoff messages and hugs. I'm going to miss everyone but don't worry, I know I'll have fun and be safe!

<3 you all!


  1. .........................
    those song lyrics make me want to hug you and not let you go :(
    but anyway, the late nights will probably help make your jetlag less severe. hope the flight is going (went..?) well. post again when you arrive safely! :D

  2. Katie, Have a great time I will be thinking and praying and following

  3. God Speed Katie.
    Have fun, be safe, and try not to be too sentimental when you've gotta come back =P
