Friday, March 12, 2010

Rapid Recall!

Let me think,

Thursday I hung out with some people to cheer them up because their days weren't the best but overall, I was SUPER excited about life! I got to ride my bike that day too and I had chocolate... it was great! Oh and I got to talk to Jon and some other awesome people-Alyssa, Kimmy, Swing People-too! I managed to chill out with the family that night too. I feel like I'm not spending enough time with them but I know they wouldn't say that. Oh, by the way, I managed to get to school by bike in 15 minutes... I am officially crazy!

I went to class by bike and made it at a nice pace, my normal 20-22 mins. I got through my classes and then hung around for meeting Mai for lunch with everyone because everyone wants to be friends with her. She's so KAWAII! It's almost not fair but because it is her, it is fair. But yeah, so after that I waited around to meet with my other partner for a psych paper due Monday-we don't procrastinate at all!
It was fun talking to her so I'll probably enjoy writing that 900 word thing. No biggie, I just have a few other things I have to take care of like a midterm that I might/might not have a clue about... and my Japanese oral/written exams...

It's soo close! Break! Please! I got all my stuff for Korea so yay! I just need to get my pass to keep my gaijin card so another $30... ugh, one day I'll have money but it won't be for a LONG time once I get back home. I can't wait because I get to skype with pretty much everyone in my family on Sunday! Ashley Boo! We need to skype again!

But yeah, since it's so late and I want to be productive tomorrow maybe, I should get some sleep. Night!

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